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Collection of clothes and toys within the Zeleni MG project
25 Aug 2021

Collection of clothes and toys within the Zeleni MG project

This year, Skaza received an invitation to participate in the Zeleni MG project, organized by the non-profit student organization Management Group to raise public awareness of waste issues and to spread the idea of sustainable development of society.

Initially, the project was organized as part of the International Plastic Bag Free Day, which is celebrated on the 3rd of July, and this year the Združenje MG prepared a set of activities that took place in the week from 3rd to 10th of July. The project is designed for both individuals and companies who want to contribute to a clean and tidy environment and support the circular economy and rational use of resources. At Skaza we gladly accepted the friendly invitation, and besides us, the companies DeltaHub and Equa joined the initiative.

In July, we organized a collection of used clothes and toys of our employees, which the members of the association then handed over to Zavetišče za brezdomce Ljubljana (Homeless Shelter Ljubljana) and Krizni center za otroke in mladostnike Marelična hiša (Crisis Center for Children and Adolescents). We are happy that the collected things have found a new home, and proud that we strive to live in accordance with the mission of the company, which includes care for the environment and fellow human beings on a daily basis.

Collection of clothes and toys within the Zeleni MG project

In addition to the above-mentioned collection campaign, the Zeleni MG project also organized a zero-waste cooking workshop and they different shared measures for a sustainable lifestyle with their Instagram followers during the entire week.

We are convinced that we will continue to work with the Združenje Management Group in the future and together spread awareness of proper waste management, prevention of waste and small steps for a better future.