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Recycling plastic
7 Jan 2021

How Skaza became a company of recycling plastic

Every day, we strive to be an environmental friendly company with responsible use of natural resources, the introduction of cleaner technologies and reducing the environmental impact. Proof of our sustainable actions is the certificate ISO 14001.

Sustainability in Skaza

Goal: recycled materials where possible

Our suppliers are acquainted with Skaza’s sustainable development and environmental concerns. Together we replaced the old paper packaging with removable. The amount of paper waste was reduced from 76 to 46 tonnes. With returnable packaging, we reduced packaging waste by 36 percent. We also managed to reduce plastic packaging from 16 to 12 tonnes.
Every year, we process more than 500 thousand tonnes of plastics, half of which are recyclates. For the furniture industry, already in the development stage, we design products so that they are made from recycled plastic. This is how we encourage the circulation of plastic. Our goal is to use recycled materials where this is possible.

The use of 1 t of recycled plastic saves 10,000 kWh of energy

Since 2014, we increased the use of recycled materials by 150%. By using 1 tonne of recycled plastic, we reduce greenhouse emissions by 494 kg and save 10,000 kWh of energy.
For production, we use green energy and managed to increase energy efficiency by 20% and reduce CO2 emissions by 20%. We are building new facilities, which will save 15% of the energy. We already reduced heating costs, municipal waste and packaging waste by 3% to 10%.

Recycling in Skaza

Full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

For each Skaza brand product, an analysis of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) based on the environmental life cycle of a product is prepared. From the extraction of raw materials, energy resources, through production and transport to the handling of the product after use. During developing a new product, we already think about the whole product lifecycle. Therefore, we use new materials and techniques that allow the recycling of products.
We also implement the wishes and needs of our customers from the furniture, medical, and electrical industry by taking into account sustainable development throughout the process and on finished products.