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Joining forces for a greener future in the program ECOkidCARE
8 Oct 2021

Joining forces for a greener future in the program ECOkidCARE

Skazovci, Ekologi brez meja and Slovenian children join forces for a greener future in the program ECOkidCARE – Anybody can be an ECO hero

At Skaza we proudly announce the launch of the ECOkidCARE 2030 initiative, which will pay special attention to the children. They are easiest to teach a different way of thinking and attitude towards the environment.

Part of the initiative is also the ECOkidCARE – Anybody can be an ECO hero program, which is directed to all the children across Slovenia (later even broader) and combines various activities. Within this segment, Skazovci (Skaza employees) fulfill our role as a socially responsible enterprise with our knowledge and donations, and by educating and raising children, we follow the guidelines of social responsibility.

We have prepared the program and are implementing it in cooperation with Ekologi brez meja (Ecologists without Borders) with whom we share a common mission. At the workshops carried out within the program, we will equip children with knowledge on how to deal with plastics and bio-waste in an environmentally friendly way.

Anybody can be an ECO hero

After stopping at the Montessori kindergarten in Celje and Ivančna Gorica, during the Teden otroka (Children’s Week), we also visited the Montessori Academy in Ljubljana. There we got to know plastics in depth – we their about their use, recycling, and different ways in which we can reduce the amount of plastic in our lives. Then we asked the children to properly separate and collect plastic at home and in schools, and they were also given homework, which at the same time announced our next meeting. Until the new year, children will collect plastic toothbrushes, from which Bokashi Organko composters will be made at Skaza and which will be used in all the participating kindergartens and schools. A workshop on how to properly treat biological waste will follow and the children will be taught about bokashi composting. In the third phase of our project, we will invite all children who joined the ECOkidCARE – Anybody can be an ECO hero program to see the theatre play titled “Organko and the adventure with the banana peel”.

Kids from the kindergarten will collect used toothbrushes, wrom which Skaza will create Bokashi Organko composters

We belong to a generation that must accept responsibility and commit to taking care of the environment. This is the motivation that drives us in search of innovative sustainable solutions at Skaza.

Let’s come together on our path to a greener future. Because we only succeed, when we help each other. Because anybody can be an ECO hero.