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Open Day: 80 students of technical studies visited Skaza
23 Mar 2022

Open Day – 80 students of technical studies looking for employment opportunities in Skaza

At Skaza, we are aware that young people make the world go round, therefore we organized an Open Day for students from technical secondary schools on Friday 18 March 2022. Students from the Velenje and Celje School Centers, majoring in mechanical engineering and mechatronics, came for a visit. Namely, this is the staff we need most in Skaza.

Skazin dan odprtih vrat – dijake s ŠCV in ŠCC sprejeli v showroomu

First, we welcomed the students to our renovated showroom and introduced them to the core areas of our business – the electrical, furniture, and medical industries, as well as our brand – through the displayed products. CEO Robert Agnič introduced them to Skaza's mission and vision and Skaza's values – courage, progress, relationships, sustainability, responsibility. The high school students were fascinated by his presentation of Skaza's automation and robotics processes.

Skazin dan odprtih vrat – direktor Robert Agnič je dijakom ŠCV in ŠCC predstavil skazino vizijo

They were also able to see the live processes during a walk through the heart of our company – the production. All 80 high school students were also introduced to our sustainable business by Branka Viltužnik, Head of Research and Innovation at Skaza. Among other things, she explained how we use waste as secondary material.

Skazin dan odprtih vrat – dijaki ŠCV in ŠCC so si ogledali naše procese

This was followed by a surprise presentation held by our HR Manager, Aleksandra Logar, on our scholarship schemes and an invitation for students to fill in an application form. The most enthusiastic students reached out to Alexandra right after the lecture to learn first-hand about their scholarship and future job opportunities.

Skazin dan odprtih vrat – Aleksandra Logar je dijakom ŠCV in ŠCC predstavila štipendijske možnosti na Skazi

Experience shows that our scholarship holders create added value with us in the long run.