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Our Organko has become a vital member of a kindergarten classroom
10 Aug 2021

Our Organko has become a vital member of a kindergarten classroom

At Skaza, we are aware of the importance of educating the youngest generations about the ecological ways of living and the significance of waste separation and composting, which is why we are happy that in March we started cooperating with the Montessori Svet Celje kindergarten. We delighted the little ones with two Bokashi Organko composters, made of recycled plastic and packed in environmentally friendly cardboard packaging.

The kids learned how to use OrgankoThe children were keen to hear about how we can make a new product out of plastic waste, how does the procedure of processing plastic look like and what is so special about the Organko composter. After the educators Sara and Nina introduced them to the composting practice and taught them about the proper use of Organko, the kids were given the opportunity to try it out for themselves.

They learned that first, we should use a layer of barn with microorganisms, followed by a layer of bio-waste, which we cover with another layer of barn and then close the composter tightly. They were especially impressed by the process of fermentation and the fact that the waste in the composter does not rot but decomposes instead.

After a few weeks, the director of Montessori Svet, Jožica Kolar, sent us a message saying that the girls and boys are taking good care of Organko and that it has become an indispensable part of every day. More so, ever since they started watering the plants with diluted fermentation liquid, the plants have gone crazy. They noticed sprouts and flowers on the plants that are now decorating the nursery space.

In June, we therefore decided to visit Celje again and see for ourselves how Organko influences the practices in the Montessori kindergarten. The little ones told us how their day was going and boasted that they prepare their own snacks, making sure to put organic waste into Organko. Afterward they tidy everything up and do the dishes. They were thrilled to show us how lush the plants look since they began to water them with the fermentation liquid that acts as a natural fertilizer.

The kids are our future

At the end of our visit, we prepared a workshop on waste separation, where the children learned what kind of waste goes to which container, with an emphasis on organic waste and ways to reduce or reuse it. At Skaza, we are convinced that good habits are formed in the early years, so we believe it is vital to spread knowledge about the sustainable ways of living already in kindergartens. After all, it is in the hands of our kids to secure a clean and healthy life on our planet in the future.

We prepared a workshop for the end of our visit