Nov 10, 2021 by Plastika Skaza

Presentation of Skaza's circular bio-waste management model at the EXPO 2020 in Dubai


Did you know that in Europe as much as 34 percent of communal waste is bio-waste, of which 60 % are food leftovers?

Skaza se je udeležila strokovnega pogovora na EXPO 2020 v Dubaju

This was just one of the topics of the international environmental conference of experts on Thursday, November 4, 2021, at the Slovenian pavilion at EXPO 2020 in Dubai. After the preliminary part, where we shed some light on the bio-waste issue, emphasized the importance of waste separation and agreed that we need to treat it as a source of new life, one of the main topics of the conference was composting, considered as the best solution to treat bio-waste – from the economic, as well as environmental standpoint.

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In the light of global efforts to fight climate change, Skaza’s circular bio-waste management model was mentioned at the conference as an example of good practice. Residents of the local sustainable community in Dubai have been using our Bokashi Organko composters for the past 5 months, and with it, they produce quality compost base, fermentation liquid to fertilize plants and biological drain cleaner at their home garden or kitchen counter. At the same time, they contribute to completing a full circle of food management daily, which was also shown in the documentary “From food leftovers to food resource” and presented to the participants at the conference.

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Alongside our creative director, Matija Torlak and business development manager, Tjaša Ban, the conference featured speakers from foreign environmental organizations and enterprises: Adrienne Doolan (Green Touches), Ceylan Üren (The Waste Lab) in Iris Medalle (Green Eco Technologies).

For Skaza, the international conference at the Slovenian pavilion at EXPO 2020 was a great opportunity to present and share good practices while building future business partnerships.

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