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Skaza Among the Finalists of Project Zlata nit πŸ†
2 Feb 2024

Skaza Among the Finalists of Project Zlata nit πŸ†

The Project Zlata nit, which has been recognizing excellence and success in Slovenian companies in the field of employment for seventeen years, has selected 21 exceptional companies as finalists this year. Among them is Skaza in the category of large enterprises. The completed survey on the quality of relationships by 115,699 employees further reinforces our dedication and commitment to our employees, while emphasizing the importance of a quality relationship between the company and employees as a key element of business success.

Out of 65 registered companies, 21 have made it to the finals.

πŸ… Among the finalists in the large enterprises category are Plastika Skaza, Automatic servis, Eti, Nomago, RLS, Sportradar, and Zavarovalnica Sava.

πŸ… In the category of medium-sized enterprises, we have Agilcon, Četrta pot, Lotrič, Outbrain, RCM, Ε pica International, and Xlab.

πŸ… Among small enterprises, we proudly present Biosistemika, Intera, Makom trgovina, Point our, Selectium Adriatics, Sus dvigala, and Tu-val.

The selection will conclude on March 28, 2024, when the best employers of 2023 will be announced. We will certainly keep you informed about the results.

Thank you, dear colleagues, for your effort, dedication, and contribution to our collective success! ✨