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Skaza impresses with a win at the Red Dot Design Award competition
26 May 2023

Skaza impresses once again with a win at the Red Dot Design Award competition

Skaza, a specialist in plastic processing, has once again been recognized with the prestigious Red Dot Award for the innovation and superior design of its products. This year, they received the award for their own brand product, Organko Daily, showcasing Skaza's leading position as trendsetters in the plastic industry and their commitment to sustainable business practices.

In collaboration with the design studio SITO, Skaza developed the innovative 3.3-liter container, Organko Daily, which has received the prestigious Red Dot Award 2023. The container is designed for collecting organic waste and is made from recycled plastic, making it a sustainable choice for those who wish to live in an environmentally friendly manner. Organko Daily is a practical tool that can be easily placed on the kitchen countertop, and once a day, organic waste can be simply emptied into a bin or the Bokashi Organko composter. The combination of Organko Daily and the Bokashi Organko composter enables an efficient process of composting organic waste, reducing waste volume, and producing high-quality fertilizer for plants and vegetables. Moreover, composting with Bokashi Organko is currently trending and sustainable, allowing users of both products to contribute to nature preservation and environmental protection.


Organko Daily and Bokashi Essential have also been selected as finalists for the prestigious European Plastic Awards 2023, which testifies to Skaza's successful combination of sustainability and design, which is our fundamental mission. This represents an inspiration for the future and demonstrates that we are on the right path towards creating a sustainable future. Skaza sincerely thanks its employees who have been instrumental in developing products that have been professionally and thoroughly evaluated. We are looking forward to the Red Dot Award ceremony in 2023, which will take place on June 19, 2023, at the Red Dot Design Museum in Essen.


Niko Medved, Assistant Director of Skaza, is confident that the Red Dot Design Award and the use of the logo on the Organko Daily product will have a positive impact on sales. Winning this prestigious competition for industrial product design attracts the attention of new customers and enhances product visibility. The award also improves the perception of the product as high-quality and innovative, thereby strengthening consumer confidence in the product. Skaza is aware that the award is not just a company's success but also evidence of their dedication to quality and sustainability.