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Students from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maribor visit Skaza
1 Jun 2022

Students from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maribor visit Skaza

»We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.'' - Franklin D. Roosevelt

At Skaza, we are always eager to welcome students who are interested in the mission and vision of our company. We were recently visited by students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor. They wanted to learn more about the optimization and organization of our production, as well as how to manage projects properly.

The students listened to a short presentation titled »Digitalization and sustainable development« by Branka Viltužnik, head of R&D department. They also learned about the optimization of production, packaging and automatization, presented by Niko Medved, head of OPPA department. The theoretical part was followed by a short lunch break, after which the students had the chance to see the production plant, toured by our colleague, Uroš Fister.

Students from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maribor visit Skaza

As these students are potential future members of our staff, we offered them the possibility of a part-time job during their studies and mentoring in case they decide to help us tackle our challenges after graduation. Mechanical and mechatronic engineers provide highly sought-after expertise at Skaza, so we are always happy to welcome young and perspective new colleagues to our team.