While we aimed for victory, making it to the finals of the Engineering Development Team of the Year 2024 already represents an outstanding achievement. We congratulate SILIKO for their win and acknowledge their contribution to the advancement of the Slovenian economy. Development companies like ours play a key role in driving innovation that benefits not only businesses but the entire industry.
We submitted two exceptional projects for the selection, both aimed at increasing added value in our production and strengthening our competitiveness.
1. Development of an electric vehicle charging station
One of the key projects was the development of a new charging station for electric vehicles. In a year-long project, we developed and prepared plastic components for serial production, which replaced aluminum parts. By using plastic materials, we reduced the use of metal parts by 38%, the final product's weight by 35%, and its carbon footprint by 75%, amounting to approximately 60 kg of CO2 per unit. In addition, we improved production efficiency and reduced costs by up to 50%, while simplifying the assembly process with "click" technology.
2. Introduction of automatic visual inspection using artificial intelligence
The second project involved the implementation of machine vision powered by artificial intelligence, which enabled full automation of gas meter production. With the introduction of AI, we reduced the need for worker presence at the machine from 8 to 1 hour per shift and decreased waste by 6%. This innovation significantly enhanced our employees' trust in new technologies and brought us closer to Industry 5.0.
Expertise of the team
The project was led by Dr. Urban Feguš, along with a team of 18 experts with advanced knowledge in plastic processing, toolmaking, serial production, automation, and sustainable approaches. Together, they contributed to innovations that will raise the long-term value of our company.
Motivation for the future
Upon receiving the recognition, Niko Medved emphasized: "We are courageously continuing our journey because the best is yet to come." The entire team is proud of its achievements, and with this experience, we are even more confident that we can achieve all the goals we have set.
For more information about Skaza, visit www.skaza.com.
Odprti za nove kadre
V Skazi smo odprti za najboljše kadre, še posebej za tehnično-prodajne dvojčke (BDM in TBDM), ki so ključni za uresničevanje naše prodajne strategije. Aktivno iščemo nove sodelavce za proizvodno ekipo zaradi povečanega obsega naročil in inovativnega razvoja. Prav tako vabimo štipendiste, študente in dijake, ki želijo opravljati prakso ali počitniško delo, saj dejavno podpiramo razvoj mladih talentov.
Preverite odprta delovna mesta tukaj: https://www.skaza.com/sl/zaposlitev-kariera.
Naša pozitivna podjetniška kultura ni le koncept, ampak resnično vodi k uspehu in zadovoljstvu zaposlenih. Kultura, ki jo negujemo, je ključna za dosego naših strateških ciljev in zagotavljanje dolgotrajnega uspeha podjetja.