Never before in the long history of humanity, we had technology at our disposal that would allow us to collaborate so closely with each other as we do today. On the other hand, the human race has never been in a situation where such close collaboration was as necessary as it is in today’s globalized world. To address the international challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change and environmental degradation, United Nations General Assembly set 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) back in 2015, which are intended to be achieved by 2030.
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Like its predecessor, the so-called Millennium Development Goals agenda lasted from 2000 to 2015. These new sustainable development goals serve as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all the people on Earth.
What are sustainable development goals?
The list of 17 sustainable development goals set by the UN seemed very broad at first. That is why two years later, the agenda was amended by identifying between 8 and 12 specific targets for each of the listed SDGs. Furthermore, the success of achieving each target can be measured with up to four indicators.
Let’s have a look at the list of the sustainable development goals set to make our world a better place by 2030.
(1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
Several concerns about achieving sustainable development goals were raised, including critiques that there are too many of them, making us lose focus. However, it is hard to argue that some goals are less important than others, and it is really up to every one of us to find inspiration and contribute to seeking solutions following our abilities. Here at Skaza, we can easily identify a few categories where we can make a difference.
Responsible production and consumption
Responsible production is definitely one of the concepts in strong harmony with our vision, and we are always looking for partners who share our values and put sustainability high on their agenda. In recent years, Skaza has become synonymous with the circular economy in all segments of its operations. Our sustainable policy first and foremost revolves around the circulation and reuse of materials, which is also demonstrated in our commitment to the use of more sustainable next-generation materials.
Furthermore, other focal points of our sustainable policy include ensuring sustainable management of electricity and other types of energy, transport and logistics of our materials, and, last but not least, contributing to sustainable household habits with our products. Moreover, the notion of circular economy has been further implemented into our operation with the introduction of our “New Life Project”, which was also designed to include our customers to participate in the joint effort to make consumption more responsible.
Sustainable communities
This is one of the sustainable development goals we can all actively contribute to. With a bit of initiative by local governments, every community can work together to make the world a better place. A great example is an urban garden in South Korea, where people gather their bio-waste and later use it to fertilize public gardens.
Skaza is trying to take a more active role in bio-waste management by introducing several composting bins, making indoor composting accessible and widely available. This is a great way to effectively deal with food leftovers individually and participate in the never-ending cycle of taking from nature and giving it back. It will not just lower household’s bio-waste volume by 25% and this contribute to fewer emissions, but also provide users with natural fertilizer for their crops.
Other sustainable development goals we can take action in
There are several other sustainable development goals set by the UN, Skaza is taking an unofficial but active part in achieving them. With our focus on sustainability, we believe in making considerable contributions towards better climate conditions and cleaner water. Furthermore, in the not-so-distant future, we intend to broaden our recent involvement in smart meters technology and thus leave our mark on the clean energy sector.
Moreover, with our undying desire to help our partners optimize their production processes to the maximum, we also contribute a lot to innovations in numerous industries and help shape a better tomorrow for everyone.
As you can see, it is not hard to find a way to participate in achieving sustainable development goals set by the UN with a bit of self-initiative. Hopefully, we have also inspired some of you to address the global challenges we are facing. We can only do it together.
Find out more about how we incorporate sustainable materials into our production process. Fill in the form and download the e-book with educational content.