Collection of clothes and toys within the Zeleni MG project
This year, Skaza received an invitation to participate in the Zeleni MG project, organized by the non-profit student organization Management Group to raise public awareness of waste issues and to ...
Balancing the private and professional needs of our employees
Since 2014, Skaza has been a proud bearer of the title Družini prijazno podjetje (Family-friendly Company), which binds us to socially responsible practices and, above all, taking into consideration ...
Our Organko has become a vital member of a kindergarten classroom
At Skaza, we are aware of the importance of educating the youngest generations about the ecological ways of living and the significance of waste separation and composting, which is why we are happy ...
We organized the third Skazalčkov holiday week
In July, for the third year in a row, Skaza organized Skazalčkov holiday week, which is designed for our employee’s children free of charge. The kids participated in interesting sports and creative ...