Skaza Podcast #3: The Key to Global Success for Slovenian Companies
👉 Listen to the podcast where we reveal strategies for succeeding in global markets! From building a brand, the impact of digitalization on company competitiveness, to connecting Slovenian companies ...
PODCAST: The Leader is the Front Runner, but the Team Holds the Key to Victory
Have you ever wondered why some companies remain successful in the long run, even during the most turbulent times? The secret lies in a strong organizational culture and a connected team. 👉 Discover ...
Invaluable Heart and Unity in the Battle Against Floods
In early August, Skaza, like the rest of Slovenia, unexpectedly faced a natural disaster
The first sustainable hero among Slovenian companies is here!
Slovenians are known as masters of waste separation, but sometimes we forget about an important player - organic waste.
French municipality of Saint-Omer starts using Bokashi Organko bins for a more sustainable waste management
In cooperation with the waste management company Snaga Maribor, we have successfully raised awareness in the community when it comes to sustainable waste management. Another good example can be found ...
Our collaboration with the Sustainable community in Dubai is one of the best sustainability oriented business practices in Slovenia
Skaza cocreates and co-shapes cities of the future. It is taking part in one of the most important aspects of sustainability – correct management of biological waste. Our innovative product Bokashi ...
Maribor citizens with Skaza & Snaga Maribor for circular management of biological waste
Did you know that every Slovenian throws away an average of 68 kg of food waste? Biowaste is a treasure, so we are looking for ways to use it directly at the source and thus reduce the amount of ...
Skaza & Sustainable City Dubai: From food leftovers to food resource
Skaza is co-creating and co-designing the cities of the future. We are working towards one of the most important aspects of sustainability – the appropriate bio-waste management. The citizens of ...
Skaza and Snaga Maribor unite for circular management of bio-waste
Skaza’s mission is to help people change their habits with innovative products and consequently keep our planet clean. Snaga Maribor recently joined us on this journey, recognizing us as a competent ...
We became a part of Sustainable City Dubai
We are proud of our latest collaboration with “Sustainable City Dubai”. They will incorporate our innovative, award-winning second-generation Bokashi Organko kitchen composters into the design of the ...